Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Neighbor's villa

This is my neighbor's mountain villa. It's still raining here, so I drew another one.
- MT


bereweber said...

it looks like a very cozy home
good to hide in rainy days :D
still raining in Japan?
San Diego has been unusually cloudy these days, probably the gloomiest June since I moved here in 2001

it is really good to see that your collection of little paintings is growing dear Masanobu

also, i like your themes a lot, every-day common objects that are part of your life, very nice!

Anonymous said...

I just read his book "Ashimoto

Kara Heiwa o" "the first step to

the paeace" and the relationship

with the landscape as shown general

form of all propositions

philosophical proposals in

economic science brought in a

practical way in his book,

and I am of great importance for

cause the development of regional

rational way. Thanks for the


Patrick Cantuária.

Masanobu said...


Thanks for commenting on my book. I guess your read the Portuguese version of it in Brazil. Am I right?
- MT